How to Create Sundry Creditors GL Account

Menu Path :- IMG –> Financial accounting –> G/L Accounting –> GL Accounts –> Master Data–> Preparations –> GL Account Creation and Processing –> Edit G/L Account

Transaction Code :- FS00

Step 1 :- Enter Transaction Code FS00 in the SAP command field and press enter

SAP FICO Certifications and Material

Step 2 :- In Edit G/L Account Centrally screen , Update following datails

1. Enter G/L Account

2. Update Company Code

3. Click on Create Icon

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Step 3 :- In Next screen update the following data 

1. Account Group :- Update Account Group of GL Account

2. Select P&L Statement account or Balance sheet account 

3. Short text :- Enter short text of G/L

4. G/L long text :- Enter detail description of GL account

SAP FICO Sundry Creditors GL Account

Step 4 :- Click on Control data and update the following data.

1. Update Account currency of GL Account

2. Select reconciliation account type ( we are creating GL Account for Sundry Creditors so we selected vendors )

3. Select Appropriate Account Management i.e open item management or Line item display

4. Update sort key 

SAP FICO Sundry Creditors GL Account

Step 5 :- Click on Create/ Bank /Interest and enter the following data

Enter the Reconciliation accounts field status group and enter

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Step 6 :- Click on Save icon to save the configured GL Account 

SAP FICO Sundry Creditors GL Account

Sundry Creditors GL Account is successfully created.

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